Welcome to my website! meow meow meow meow

Hi ! Welcome to my online journal!(◠‿◠)

This website was made in the summer of my senior year of highschool. STRGRL is a passion project and is always under construction so please ignore any deadlinks or odd looking things. This will be slow updating as I don't have a computer and coding on my phone or iPad makes me cry.

My name is Star☆ and I am a 17 year old lesbian living in America.

Updates !

08/21/24 : remade blog and added an entry

07/17/24 : added pixels to collection page and made gravity falls shrine

07/12/24 : made blinkie and stamp collection pages

ToDo !
  • • make pixels, blinkies, and stamp collections
  • • remake shrine and collection pages
Uhh.. whatever you want!
Template by swirl Code Here