Welcome to Gravity Falls!
Where are You?
One of my favorite things in the whole wide world is the 2012 cartoon Gravity Falls. I think it has subconsciously made me want to go to collage in Oregon. Major Spoilers for this show!!!
The TV Show follows twins Dipper and Mabel Pines as they explore the mysterys of Gravity Falls Oregon while staying and working with their Great Uncle, or Grunkle, Stan in his tourist trap, The Mystery Shack. Dipper ends up finding a mysterious journal full of crypids and creatures and spends the whole summer trying to find out who the author is while also fighting the things he finds in the journal with his sister and friends.
The show is made by Alex Hirsh, creator of Inside Job. He only made 2 seasons of Gravity Falls because the late nights were very late and tiring. I really like the fact that it is only 2 seasons, I like where it ended. I feel like a majority of the community really wants more seasons but I don't. It ended nicely and I like to use my imagination on what happens in the future of the show. That being said I think season two is my favoirte out of any of them. I really like that we get to see Ford so early in the season and how the season is panned out.
I really like Gravoty Falls for many reasons but I like the setting and town it is set in. I have always enjoyed the mountains considering I live in a state with mountains, so as I watched this show for the first time (and even now with rewatching it) I really got the feeling that there might be mystery in my forest. I have always enjoyed crypids and strange creatures plus the first time I watched this show I was around the age of the twins so it felt like I could do the things they were doing. The entire show just made me feel good and brave. It felt smarter than the other cartoons on the TV, more mature. I really wish I could be 17 in 2013 when this show was coming out because I see pictures of Comic Con and other things like that and I get sad. I get the same way with Daft Punk 2007 Cochella. Why was I a litteral baby then and not a teenager.
My favorite Episodes

Season 1 Ep. 5
The Inconveniencing
Dipper and Mabel join Wendy's friends when they go to a haunted convience store.

Season 1 Ep. 10
Fight Fighters
Dipper gets video game character, Rumble McSkirmish, to fight Robbie.

Season 1 Ep. 13
Boss Mabel
Mabel makes a bet with Grunkle Stan, she can run the shack and make more money than he can on vaction.

Season 2 Ep. 1
Dipper summons zombies at a party to show FBI agents that Gravity Falls is werid.

Season 2 Ep. 4
Sock Opera
Mabel has to make a crazy puppet show to impress a puppeteer she is crushing on.

Season 2 Ep. 6
Little Gift Shop of Horrors
Stan tries to sell you stuff in the Mystery Shack.

Season 2 Ep. 10
Northwest Manor Mystery
Dipper has to fight a ghost and Pacifica stands up to her parents.

Season 2 Ep. 13
Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons
Dipper and Ford get trapped in a DnD type game.

Season 2 Ep.16
Roadside Attraction
The Pines family goes on a roadtrip to other attraction in Gravity Falls